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Патч Vampire: The Masquerade v5.7 EN

+Restored Skelter with his dialogue to Lucky Star during the endgame.

+Adjusted maximal ammo to match clip size and raised rifle accuracy.

+Moved Fat Larry into Confession alley and restored Fae Charm reward.

+Restored crossbow bolts and rifle bullets buyable from all vendors.

+Made Toreador start with Appearance +1 and increased falling damage.

Changed severed arm pickup sound and added two missing mode sounds.

Fixed taxi driver, E, Razor, Yukie, Mercurio, Nadia and Jack issues.

Made Larry send spam email to show that vendors update their stock.

Swapped several Ventrues with helipad SWATs and fixed their texture.

Removed second tutorial enemy for Presence because of common popup.

Prevented talking with Chunk when someone else attacked the Gallery.

Corrected sliding doors, some handles and an icon at Venture Tower.

Fixed logs for Copper, Heather, werewolf blood and Metalhead quests.

Corrected wrong icons at the Ocean House and Jezebel Locke's trunk.

Made Astrolite undroppable again and added a Regent Blood Hunt line.

Unified burning barrel and fire explosion damage on several levels.

Turned the Firemage and Ventrues into females for male clan members.

Fixed issues for bums, Pisha, Copper, Empire clerk and Bishop Vick.

Added missing cabbie aura to three maps and fixed minor text issues.

Corrected Temple maps start orientation, inspections and a tin can.

Improved corpse variety in warrens lair and a Blood Hunt enemy pair.


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